OPTIFAST weight loss program success is well-documented. The use of OPTIFAST meal replacements is proven to be very effective. OPTIFAST meal replacements allow you to benefit from:
- High-quality, complete nutrition
- Pre-portioned and calorie-controlled servings
- Quick and simple preparation
In addition to losing weight, you will improve your health, learn new, healthier eating habits and engage in activities so that when you return to self-prepared foods, you are better equipped to manage your weight long term.

More and more, clinical studies suggest medically monitored weight management programs are safe, effective and help individuals to address and modify behaviors to encourage long-term weight management.
- Follow-up studies at 5 years showed approximately 45% of patients kept enough weight off to improve their health long term
- After 2 years, 40% of patients maintained more than half their weight loss; 78% of men and 60% of women maintained medically significant weight loss
Some treatments can leave you swinging back and forth between “before” and “after” versions of yourself. Optifast results speak for themselves. You can see the dramatic differences, again and again, in these Before & After photos.
Results and Patient Experience May Vary.