Tired of dieting and trying other weight loss programs just to see no results? The DNA weight loss program at Florida Aesthetics is a state-of-the-art medical weight loss program that uses science and technology to help patients lose weight.
We use a special GXSlim program that looks at your genetic makeup to provide diet and exercise strategies specific to you. Since it is based on your DNA, it is proven to work just for you!
What are the steps for the DNA weight loss program?
- When you initially sign up for the weight loss program, your weight loss coach will take a swab of your cheek to collect saliva. This will then be sent to a lab to perform tests through an analysis of your genotype.
- Next, a weight loss coach will examine your completed analysis report to help you develop an action plan as to which foods you should eat and how you should exercise so you can maximize your weight loss to reach your goal.
- Finally, your weight loss coach will stay in contact with you to make sure that you stay on track and to answer any questions that you may have.
Is genetic testing necessary to get my weight loss plan?
Genetic testing is not necessary to get your weight loss plan, but it is highly recommended. This will allow for the most accurate treatment advice and plans for weight loss. The more information we have, the more accurate we can be in our recommendations for your weight loss journey.
How can I get more information about medical weight loss at Florida Aestethics?
Call us today at (813) 701-5334 to schedule a free consultation. You can also email us at client-services@floridaaesthetics.com or click here to fill out a form. We look forward to meeting you soon!