Role of Mitochondria in the Body

Found in nearly every type of cell in the human body, mitochondria are responsible for providing the cell’s primary energy source, known as ATP (adenosine triphosphate) from glucose. While mitochondrial energy powers the cell, mitochondrial signaling helps determine which cells are due to be destroyed and cleared away when they age or are dysfunctional.

Since mitochondria act in most tissues, they are involved in a wide array of functions across the body including:

  • Metabolic function
  • Homeostasis of the cell as it responds to stress
  • Exercise tolerance and adaptation
  • Weight management
  • Cardiovascular health
  • Anti-Aging processes

As we age, the mitochondria themselves can become dysfunctional and the number of mitochondria in a cell declines. If this occurs, it can play a role in the development of:

  • Fatigue, reduced energy levels
  • Metabolic issues like high blood sugar levels, insulin resistance, weight gain, Type 2 diabetes, obesity, or Metabolic Syndrome
  • Decreased exercise capacity
  • Increased cardiovascular disease risk
  • Accelerated aging

Mitochondria – Peptide Support

  • Peptide support for mitochondrial production and function is available. Mitochondrial peptides play a protective role for the cell by preserving the function of the mitochondria – which then protects the overall health and survivability of the cell under stressful conditions. Mitochondrial peptides can play a role in the:
  • Repair and rejuvenation of the mitochondria
  • Improvement of energy levels and fatigue
  • Reversal of metabolic dysfunction
  • Improvement of insulin sensitivity
  • Promotion of weight loss by regulating muscle and fat physiology
  • Improvement of sport/athletic endurance and muscle strength
  • Protection against cardiovascular disease and inflammation