Obesity and Its Impact On Health
Obesity is the term used to describe excessive overweight and is defined as an excess proportion of total body fat. It is a known fact that being overweight is hazardous to your health. Your weight has a great impact on your overall well being. For example, losing as little as 10 lbs. can increase your energy levels and stamina, lower your risk of stroke, lower your blood pressure and help control your blood sugar levels.
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines obesity as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair health. Unfortunately, over 70% of the general population in the US is considered overweight. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than one-third of U.S. adults (35.7%) are obese and that Obesity-related conditions such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer, are some of the leading causes of death.
Obesity and BMI
Among health professionals, it is generally agreed upon that a person is considered to be obese when his/her weight reaches, or exceeds, 20% above normal weight. Body Mass Index (BMI) is the most commonly used measure of overweight and obesity. It takes into account a persons height and weight to provide a generally reliable indication of whether a person is of healthy weight, overweight, or obese. According the World Health Organization (WHO), a person is considered to be overweight if his/her BMI is greater than or equal to 25 and a person is considered obese if his/her BMI is over 30.
What Contributes to Obesity
A number of factors play a role in the rise in obesity in the United States. Americans are consuming a greater number of calories and moving less than did previous generations. As a whole, we have become more sedentary. In addition, we have come to rely more on fast food and meals in restaurants for sustenance. These two factors, in combination with the addictive properties of many junk foods (salty and sugary) have made us a less healthy people.
Obesity may develop over a relatively long period of time. What does this mean? The gigantic meals we have during holidays and the extra servings of dessert we help ourselves to at parties, picnics, etc. are all contributing to the expansion of our waistline. Eating excessively just a few times a month (or eating out) can add a couple of pounds to our weight every year.
More important than this is the fact that we dont always know how much were eating. A recent study found that Americans underestimate the number of calories they consume at restaurants, fast food places, and coffee shops. Not knowing how much were eating can lead to a surprising increasing in our weight throughout a single year!
A little bit of weight gain doesnt seem all that bad, but look at it this way: For every year that you dont drop the extra one or two pounds youve casually gained, youre bringing yourself closer to the danger zone. Fortunately, we can help!
Is Obesity treatable?
Fortunately, overweight and obesity can be successfully treated if taken seriously. People who seek professional advice and who have the discipline and will to adjust their lifestyle, eating habits and physical activity levels actually lose weight.
If you need help in losing weight and staying healthy, allow us the chance to be a part of your efforts. Our physicians will give you sound advice that takes into consideration your current health conditions. In addition, our weight loss and nutrition coach will design a holistic weight loss plan for you and will commit to working with you until your reach your weight goal. Remember, that losing weight is not magic and will take effort and discipline, but having the support of a professional coach will help keep you on track.